The Awesome Power of Junk and Stuff…
Thoughts about leading a creative life and trying to stay sane in a world that seems purpose built to make you crazy.
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The Awesome Power of Putting on Pants
Pants are a metaphor!! Simple routines can help you stay productive working at home!
The Awesome Power of a Complete Sentence
If you can’t say what you want to do in a complete sentence with real words it cannot be done… PERIOD.
The Awesome Power of Organizing Your (Digital) Junk Drawer
Creating a proper system for managing your tasks will free your mind up for creativity
The Awesome Power of Getting Off the Sofa
The Universe has a funny way of telling you when it’s time to get off your ass.
The Awesome Power of Dying in Lava
There’s nothing wrong with playing video games UNLESS you’re hiding from something in them.
The Awesome Power of Checking Your Privilege
Each of us has SOME kind of privilege and understanding your own privilege will help you interact with the world in a more compassionate way.
The Awesome Power of Owning that Crappy Project
What do you do when you get handed something you really don’t want to do but you still have to do it?
The Awesome Power of Getting an Idea Out of Your Head
The inside of your head is a messy place… a little bit of regular cleaning will help your creativity thrive!
The Awesome Power of Peer Networks
It turns out that exchanging ideas with people is good! Imagine that??
The Awesome Power of a Job Role
Who are you if your “dream job” changes out from under you?
The Awesome Power of a Crappy Sketch
Starting your projects with a pencil and paper will set your mind freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
The Awesome Power of Jar Jar Binks (no, really)
Jar Jar Binks as a metaphor for how compromising your ideas and ideals can and will shape who you are.
The Awesome Power of NOT Writing Code
Writing Code is only a magic ticket if you’re really really into it…