In the fall of 2023, I started a journey to learn 3D Character Animation at the online school
“Animation Mentor”.
This is a collection my assignments from each class.

An04 - Introduction to Acting Project 2 - Dialog: A tale of greed and mischief
Introduction to Acting and my FIRST talking character!

An04 - Introduction to Acting: Project 01 - Pantomime - A silent but deadly tale of trauma
Intro to Acting Pantomime project... A silent but deadly tale of terror!

AN03 - Advanced Body Mechanics - Assignment 03 - A Tale of the Consequences of Violent Video Games
Shot 03 and the consequences of violent video games

AN03 - Advanced Body Mechanics - Assignment 02 - A Tale of Karma and Tragic Irony
Shot 02 is a tale of karma and tragic irony…

AN03 - Advanced Body Mechanics - Assignment 01 - A Tragic Tale of Schoolyard Hubris
A tragic tale of schoolyard hubris…

AN02 - Body Mechanics - Assignment 04 - Physicality with Weight
The FINAL Assignment for Body Mechanics at Animation Mentor. Picking something up and throwing it.

AN02 - Body Mechanics - Assignment 03 - Physicality with Locomotion
Assignment number 3 for Body Mechanics at Animation Mentor. Getting up and moving around.

AN02 - Body Mechanics - Assignment 02 - The Full Body “Vanilla” Walk
Assignment 2 of Body Mechanics at Animation Mentor… The full body walk!

Animation Mentor AN02 - “Body Mechanics” - Assignment 01 - The Sidestep
A Summary of the FIRST assignment for Body Mechanics!

Animation Mentor AN02 - “Body Mechanics” - Week 01
Body Mechanics and the FIRST week of my SECOND course at Animation Mentor!

Animation Mentor AN01 - Week 10-11
Weeks 8 and 9 were connected so much that I had to put them into one post!

Animation Mentor AN01 - Week 8-9
Weeks 8 and 9 were connected so much that I had to put them into one post!

Animation Mentor AN01 - Week 06
Week 6 = Overlapping action AND squash n stretch in one scene!

Animation Mentor AN01 - Week 01
My first assignment of my first class at Animation Mentor!